Tuesday 22 March 2011

Sorry I've been being rubbish!

For some reason the last few weeks I have been really demotivated, in pretty much all parts of my life. So not really any sewing (or anything else) has been happening at all. But as the sun has been coming out this week, I am determined to pull myself together and get going again.

I suffered a slight set back with the shifting skies skirt as I inadvertently sewed the french seamed ruffles on all cock-eyed so the whole stupid thing is massively crooked. I shall have a unpick quite large amounts....(this is possibly a cause of my "can't face starting again problem"!)

But I shall get going and make something, I have drifted long enough!

In more cheery news, I had been contemplating dying a beige trench coat I found in Newlook as I have always fancied a bright coloured trench; but the thing never fit me right and I wasn't sure how the fabric would take the dye. Making a coat is totally beyond me right now (particularly given the motivation situation!) but the day was saved (and many of my pounds) by my finding a trench that was already bright pink in a charity shop for £3.99! Hilariously this coat was also by Newlook but not this season, and theoretically a size 16 (which I don't believe for a second as it fits my shoulders.. ) so it does up across my chest! I shall have to take about 3 inches off each side seam at the waist so that it isn't such a sack, even with the belt, but this should be pretty easy! I am also toying with taking the buttons off so it wont be double breasted. Now I just have to remember to take the other one back!

Even more excitingly, I have realised a life long dream to have brightly painted front door. I hate how doors are traditionally either white or some boring dark Victorian colour. Our flat door was a very chipped and grubby white with horrible stick on numbers. After not getting round to it for months (if not years) me and Charlotte went to Homebase and got some bright blue paint mixed (we loved the Dulux mixing machine a lot!) and then painted it! I also put on a shiny new number 5.

Here is door, taken as part of Charlotte's 365 photo project. It's sooo jolly-it cheers me up every time I see it!


  1. Chin up honey. We ALL have phases like that. I've been working on a refashion for about 2 weeks now. I screwed the collar up for the third time the other day and am about to tackle it again today. Aaaargh! (Cue plate smashing, feet stamping and genuinely ferral growling!)
    I guess we just have to keep getting on that horse!

  2. Thanks honey, its just not been happening the last few weeks. sigh. I hope your fashion starts going well again soon! They normally end up looking pretty darn good!

  3. oooh the door looks lovely! as for unpicking, uggggghhhhh! i hate it! i started making an awesome darped dress last summer (aqua trimmed with red rickrack) and after sewing all the rickrack on, i couldn't get the draping to work out. so i UFO'd it and has sat there, crying, ever since. add it to the pile i guess :)
